Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rack of lamb!!!

Such a fancy dinner I made! And it was DELICIOUS!!!! I was really nervous cooking the lamb because 1. it was my first time 2. it was EXPENSIVE lol 3. Lamb is really easy to mess up! So I went all out I even bought a meat thermometer to make sure I cooked the meat to the right rare-medium rare temp (135 degrees) I kept getting anxious and wanted to pull out the lamb early..So I had to put it back in couple times and then I let it rest for about 10 minutes before serving and ohhwwwwweeeee I was quite proud of this meal! :D

I paired it with black truffle cream gnocchi and a cherry merlot chutney! 

I seasoned the lamb with salt, pepper, rosemary and thyme. I let it 'marinate' for about two hours and then seared it in a pan with olive oil for about 2 minutes. and baked about 25 minutes in a 375 degree oven!! 

Cherry Merlot Chutney:

1 pound Rainier cherries (pitted) 
1 shallot
2 garlic cloves
About 1/2 bottle merlot
2 cups chicken broth

Saute the garlic and shallot in a little bit of olive oil until fragrant. Add cherries and merlot and reduce until almost dry. Add chicken broth and reduce until thick and saucy! Season with salt and pepper. I added a little sugar to sweeten as well!!

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